Thursday, 8 November 2007

Cold and Frosty Morning

Well, it has been a while since we last updated, mostly because we have both been rather ill, and secondly busy trying to catch up on the work left behind due to being ill. First Bradley was struck down by the mighty stomach bug; thus having to spend most of the weekend in bed, and then Laura got it too. We are both starting to feel better now but still a little worse for wear, and very behind on work.

Life has been quite pleasnt otherwise. First we had two lovely baby chicks be born, well, four, but only two made it out their shells, both Maran/Buff Orpington crosses. They are very sweet and have been named Ludo and Clarabelle, it looks like Ludos a girl and Clarabelle is a boy! But we'll have to wait a few months and see if we're right. We're really hoping for a boy so fingers crossed everyone!

A Maran Cockeral like our proud Dad.

A Buff Orpington Hen like Mum.

Then Monday was, of course, Guy Fawkes night, and we celebrated by going to visit Tom and Laura in Golant to drink mulled wine and watch the fireworks (and then Autumnwatch with the beavers :D). Their house is on the hill and the fireworks were going off by the river below us so most of the lower level fireworks were just by our eyeline, pretty amazing until some of the rockets started veering towards us!! Golant is on the Fowey River:

... and the sound of the fireworks bouncing off the valley sides all around was incredible; like a shoot out in a Tarantino movie, quite scary - esspecially for the poor animals around us, but good fun.

So now were mostly back to work. Getting the house tidyed up since we've been a little lax while we've been ill, and getting some of the outside work done. And Laura is getting on with her coursework for her RHS Level 2.

We hope this finds our readers well! x

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