Thursday, 18 October 2007

Winter tapped me on the shoulder and said to say hi.

Well today it is officially freezing! Which I apparently forsore as in my wisdom yesterday I purchased a lovely pair of bootie slippers: warm toes are always good. And thus as the year turns were starting to think about what needs to be done in preperation for the coming season.

Today shall be a day of sorting things out: getting the house back to a sociable state. Both the kitchen (or at least the kitchen celling) and our bedroom (sans carpet) should be finished today, so we can start to get things organised, or at least organised enough. I look forward to the day the kitchen is finnished properly and we dont have to keep organising it and reorganising it and so on, and - if the temperature stays like it is today, keeping the doors shut!!

Then I will need to brave the baltic climes, and go outside and do some sorting in the garden, the outdoors has been mildly undertended with all the action going on inside, so I'll need to do some weeding, and possibly some planting, depending on time.

Over the past couple of weeks we've had two broody birds, a duck: Daisy (our female muscovy duck) and a chicken: one of the Buff Orpintongs. But yesterday the chicken apparently decided she was bored, went and layed a yummy egg in the goose house and wondered off to the outside (she obviously forsore this turning of the weather too!) So we made our first venture into the land of incubators. As the Buff had stolen most of the eggs that were layed in the hen house we now have 20 little ones waiting to be hatched, were hoping for a couple of boys, so Im going to have to learn to to sex chicks!

Other than that we have not been up to much, the kitchen and bedroom have taken up most of our time, then weve had some slow days and even a day off to try and recover from these darstedly colds we all have. But there is now plenty to do, and lots of people turining up this weekend to entertain us!

Looking towards the winter season Im thinking about the dreaded C-word, or prehaps the two dreaded C-words: Christmas Cake... I realise I am a bit late for this, but I think it will be worth a try, you never know - I may have a secret talent lurking in the depths of my cooking skills just waiting to be unleashed! Also plans for christmas presents are starting to ensue, as we are slighlty budgetly limited I plan on making a fair chunk of the pressies, but I really need to get moving with them.

And so I shall continue with my day. And cook some paoched eggs since I am now the poached egg queen.

I'll try get some piccys up on here soon, and a back log of things weve done since we got here :)

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